Saturday, December 13, 2008

Why female directors are a rare sight

1. Lack of recognision
Although there notibly is a small number of females working as directors, it has been said by theorists such as Polly Leys that the present ones are not being acknowledged. She states that...

"rather than gazing at our navels continually, maybe we should spend more time acknowledging and celebrating the work of women who are making headway and in so doing create some positive role models for future generations".

2. Maturnal Commitments
After giving birth female directors priority would then lie with thier children. It could be said that they would not be commitement to the film . Sarah Radclyffe says...
"if you are directing, you are giving part of your inner self. You are giving your all and that's hard if you've got a young child".

3. Patriacal conditioning
Females are not being inspired enough. Society needs to be re-educated to promote a more equal representation...
"Its important to get women involved" Naomie Harris

4. Role Models
It has been said that the noumber of female role models within the film

5. Male dominance
Males are known to dominate the industry making it hard for females to reak through and establish themselves are serious individuals...
"Film is such a male- dominated industry. There's a lot of "who you know" in terms of how you get promoted.. the whole way the business is constructed means there are just men at every level".

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